Top 10k strings from Sinclair Classic - Issue 04 (1994)(Sinclair Classic)(128k).z80 in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Magazines / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Magazines - [Z80] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   1 tory / Ocean"'" 9 - Chase HQ / Ocean"'"10 - Switchblade / Gremlin"
   1 save routine
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   1 ;"{L9887 address Speccy doings C/O";
   1 ;"{L9887 We'd love to but we have no Coupe! Your prayers WILL be answered if you write to the following"'"addresses with SAE's and hope in your heart..."''"Format, 34 Bourton Rd, Gloucester, GL4 0LE"''"Revelation, PO BOX 114, Exeter, Devon, EX4, 1YY"''"Fred Publishing, 40 Roundyhill, Monifieth,"'"Dundee, DD5 4RZ"''"SD Software, 70 Rainhall Road, Barnoldswick,"'"Lancashire, BB8 6AB"
   1 ;"{L9887 This is a pretty good idea but we'd need a good response for it to work with any validity.
   1 ;"{L9887 Programmed using PFNREM3, PICREMA"
   1 ;"{L9887 PD Demos";
   1 ;"{L9887 Classified ads are free so get writing with your wants and swops. Speccy support section next"'"issue so if you need a new membrane or a spare"'"power pack... tune in for those crucial addresses"
   1 ;"{L9887  Send us your personal top 10's. A new chart com-"'" piled from your votes will be generated with"'" every issue. Jon from Grimsby kicks things off!"
   1 ;"{L9886 2 BELVOIR ROAD";
   1 ;"{L9885 The Feature";
   1 ;"{L9885 SC Readers All Time Top Ten"
   1 ;"{L9885 In Depth Feature"
   1 ;"{L9885 Classic Software Review";
   1 ;"{L9885 Amandas Diary"
   1 ;"{L9883 |THE LETTERS PAGE|";
   1 ;"{L9883 Jack the Nipper / Coconut Capers":
   1 ;"{L9883 Hi-Tec Software";
   1 ;"{L9883 Bizarre Add-ons";
   1 ;"{L9882 Written and Programmed by:";
   1 ;"{L9882 TAPES WANTED: Scrabble 128, Sim City, Elite 128,"'"Lemmings, Spiderman, Bomb Jack 2, Sentinel,"'"Monopoly, Cluedo, Dan Dare 2 + 3, Bismarck, Capt"'"America, Saint + Greavsie, Pink Panther...and loads more basically. Send me your lists for a pretty"'"decent quote. Write to Sinclair Classic address on letters page."''"ARKANOID WANTED on +3 Disk."'"Phone Jeff 0602 721406 and talk dirty"
   1 ;"{L9882 13 Rodney Close";
   1 ;"{L9882  1 - Rainbow Islands / Ocean"'" 2 - Carrier Command / Rainbird"'" 3 - Sim City / Infogrames"'" 4 - R-Type / Activision"'" 5 - Myth / System 3"'" 6 - Flying Shark / Firebird"'" 7 - Pang / Ocean"'" 8 - New Zealand S
   1 ;"{L9881 Yet another original and instant success from mid eighties"'"Speccy heaven was Jack the Nipper, a 48 location arcade"'"adventure puzzle. People everywhere invested in an azimuth alignment kit in order to load the game through Gremlins"'"irritating FastLoader (responsible for more crashes than anything else). Original buyers were treated to a free badge"'"which everybody didn't wear as it was so rank."
   1 ;"{L9881 Put down your Menacer light-gun"'"and your SuperScope for a moment"'"and ponder on the Stack light rifle,"'"a weapon of utmost devestation."'"Public Enemy put your Uzis away and"'"get a load of this little baby. For the"'"year is 1983 and for `29.95 you too"'"could own a tatty plastic light-gun"'"with barrel and sight attachments."
   1 ;"{L9881 From Sheffield they came, armed"'"with several Hanna Barbera cartoon licenses. Atom Ant"'"started the ball rolling, a simple addictive arcade romp up"'"the side of sky-scrapers disarming bombs; a little bit Bomb"'"Jackish in fact. Three platform type collecting games follow-"'"ed in the shape of Hong Kong Phooey, Ruff and Reddy and Yogis Great Escape. All of these games featured crisp sprite"'"graphics and a fair bit of gameplay for your `3.99."
   1 ;"{L9881 Dear SC, Technophobia is CRAP! Why don't you use the"'"memory for readers top 10's instead. The Crash mag used to run arcade and adventure charts compiled from readers"'"faves. You dedicate your fanzine to old games so it would"'"be a good idea to revive it. Games could enter the chart on just one persons vote and then watch it rise up the table as other people remember it, dig it out the attic and enjoy it"'"all over again. Can I have a jiffy bag full of games too?";
   1 ;"{L9881 Dear Amanda, I've been enjoying Spectrums for over three"'"years now I and recently upgraded to a Sam Coupe. It's a"'"brilliant computer and I'm still finding out new things it can do every day! but since YS and SU closed down my Sam"'"contact has vanished. Can you run a Coupe column with all the latest releases and news? I'd be a very happy Spechead"'"if you can help support the Sam.";
   1 ;"{L9881 Dating ones copy is pretty taboo in"'"the world of the article but then my"'"diary is hardly destined for HELLO"'"magazine. So I'm sitting in my parents"'"front room, somewhere in Deptford,"'"and it's Xmas Eve! I'm far too excited"'"to sleep, not because of Santa, but"'"I've just drunk a bottle of cheap"'"English Sherry and my eyes are going"'"funny on this fuzzy TV. Looking"'"through my brothers PC magazine I noticed with delight that Sinclair are back in business! in a strange form indeed..."
   1 ;"starting to look painfully similiar. We don't have copies";
   1 ;"of Quick Draw McGraw or the excellently named Auggie"'"Doggie Doggie Daddy but one should"'"assume they broke no new ground."
   1 ;"much the same"'"response and the programs were now";
   1 ;"it out on you for having to work in a smelly old shop"'"despite the fantastic degree they got at Uni
   1 ;"full priced quality games";
   1 ;"at `6.99, it was a brave";
   1 ;"and respected for releasing";
   1 ;"and positive move."
   1 ;"and his look-alike son Crispin. Stop laughing at the back."'"The old logo font has gone (thanks to Mr.Sugars lawyers)"'"but the 'S' word is still sexy enough to send shivers up this"'"spine. We know we use it at our peril on the title screen of this fanzine but we are humble, young and very stupid (and free!). Well you know it's a bit like seeing a once outstanding pop group from the Seventies reduced to playing at Butlins holiday camps with one sad old original member left."
   1 ;"and another Yogi game followed to";
   1 ;"Your task was to explore the small Town, using objects"'"found in various places to cause havoc and destruction on"'"the innocent peoples."'"Now you know where the"'"recent game 'Haunting'"'"got (stole) its ideas from."'"Most objects were easy to"'"get at and almost all had"'"a logical use. But maybe"'"dropping a pan full of"'"hot kids piss in the China"'"shop was a little obscure.":
   1 ;"Wile E Coyote was a tedious and badly programmed arcade game but the biggest flop of all was Wacky Races. What a game this could have been as the cartoon was excellent."'"Instead the program was rushed out, probably due to Hi-"'"Tecs impending financial collapse, and a possible Megagame was instead no more than a bland platform racer bereft of charm and ideas. And whatever happened to Daffy Duck?"'"Check out the blinding screen shots in Crash March 92... or were they simply mock ups from a doomed company?"
   1 ;"We men-"'"tioned the Specdrum in issue 1"'"but not the Cheetah add-on"'"keyboard. The sounds you"'"could make with your Speccy"'"were shite. Totally worthless"'"and wonderfully collectable!"
   1 ;"Utilities";
   1 ;"The joystick interface was in"'"plentiful supply, none more"'"difficult to master than the"'"AGF programmable, a veritable"'"nest of crocodile clipped wires."'"And how about the TrickStick,"'"a vibrator shaped 'joystick' that"'"sold like bras to nuns."
   1 ;"The game has a real action cartoon feel to it thanks to the charm and cuteness of the supporting characters. The Parky looks angry, the old woman looks naggy and the policemen"'"look very stupid (just like they do in real life). Your score"'"was rated in naughtiness and contact with characters"'"resulted in your smacked bottyometer going into the red."'"You can't pick faults with this game (apart from the gitty"'"loading), it's a classic.";
   1 ;"Techy bods were well catered for with extra memory and"'"routine packing Eproms and Motherboards. Relay Switching devices could turn your house lights or Hi-Fi on and off."'"The uses are not quite endless. And on the subject of auto-"'"mation why not have the Speccy control your train set or"'"Scalextric with a Datel Robotek? Answer: because you needed to be a boffin to write the software to actually do it!   >":
   1 ;"Sinclair Direct is a software mail order company and helpline service for PC's. The ad features a cartoon head of Clive   >":
   1 ;"Sinclair Classic is released bi-monthly on the 4th"'"day (pardon?) and placed in the Public Domain."'"This program is FREE! and you shouldn't have paid some Tory capitalist scum one penny for it."'"This here fanzine is 48K compatible so there."''"Issue 5 will be released on March 4th and is"'"available direct from us with a blank tape and"'"SAE or via the top Speccy PD bods PRISM."
   1 ;"Potsworth however got excellent reviews and"'"this game is well worth seeking out as being the"'"best that Hi-Tec put out under their frankly below"'"par Hanna Barbera series. Two more games released"'"in '92 were further disappointments,    >":
   1 ;"Overall these programs were ho-hummed as being OK but"'"not as good as people imagined they should be. The problem was taking on such cartoon characters in the first place, or more properly so MANY of them. Inspecter Hecti, Top Cat >":
   1 ;"Over the years us Spectrum users have had some weird and wonderful add-on devices at our disposal. These fall into"'"two very distinct catagories; useful and bizarre. Forget the multiface, video digitizer, modem or sound sampler- all they did was improve your basic Speccy by 1000% What we all"'"needed and wanted were plenty of freakish gimmicks that"'"had absolutely no use whatsoever."
   1 ;"Now look, I'm in a bloody bad mood now and it might just"'"spoil my Christmas dinner. No dead things for me readers,"'"I'm going to tuck into hot veggy burgers with all the trimmy"'"so shove that Bernard Matthews right up your ringpiece."''"So I lift my sticky golden tin of Special Brew towards yet"'"another year of the little Spectrum computer being cherishedloved and kissed alot. Has anyone got a copy of Mercenary they don't want? Go on, sell it me and I'll give you money!"
   1 ;"My personal favourite was the Heart Rate Monitor. You"'"attached a sensor to a pulse point and your heartbeat and related information was displayed on screen. Due to a slight fault in my kit the only way to register an output was to"'"sellotape it to my penis and then think of Sarah Greene in"'"her Blue Peter years."
   1 ;"Jeff Cooper"
   1 ;"January / Febuary 1994";
   1 ;"It wasn't until '92 that Hi-Tec started to"'"hit the targets with Jonny Quest, a superb"'"platform roam around, Turbo the Tortoise,"'"a tounge in cheek Sonic impersonator and the"'"Premier range which retailed at `6.99. Two games"'"were released, The Jetsons and Potsworth and Co."'"The former got unfair reviews in the Speccy"'"mags as being too difficult and frustrating to"'"play- points we disagree with Linda Barker on."
   1 ;"It proves one thing at least, that light gun devices (or more"'"importantly the software you get for them) has been and"'"always will be pretty piss poor and abysmal. Those of you who own the James Bond Action pack already know this.  >":
   1 ;"Hi-Tec should be remembered";
   1 ;"Dave Fountain";
   1 ;"Come on Clive you old slappy headed four eyed goat, stop"'"selling other peoples shite and invent us the ultimate dream Speccy like you promised us in 1986 (remember the Loki?)."'"And Crispin mate, wear a wig and shave that beard off,"'"where is your individuality you egg pate muther..."
   1 ;"Clip-art";
   1 ;"But into the crux of my diary dear reader, the cheapest"'"Speccy software shop in London Town. I'd like you all to"'"visit the Record and Tape Exchange General goods store in"'"Notting Hill Gate (top floor fact fans). But be warned for"'"the shop employs that curious breed of males, the over"'"confident, middle class, lank haired, NME reading WANKER."'"They will snigger at you for having a Speccy, they will take":
   1 ;"Business";
   1 ;"Bilton, Rugby CV22 7HJ";
   1 ;"Amanda the Panda";
   1 ;"All these games are worth picking up second hand as the"'"graphics are on the whole quite impressive and you will have fun with them.... just not as much as you could have had.";
   1 ;"A new deluxe keyboard for your rubber keyed Speccy would be very nice. Now you own a Sinclair computer that looks"'"like a mutant with no identity. Speech synthesisers were all"'"the rage, especially when you could make your 48K say rude"'"words. Well worth five minutes of intense giggling. Mini amps and speakers could boost your beep. And what does a beep sound like when amplified? Yes that's right, pretty horrible."
   1 ;"(Peter Dean, Sutton)"
   1 ;"(GRIMSBY JON)"
   1 ;"(Amanda)"
   1 ;"(8)  Credits"
   1 ;"(6)  In-Depth Feature";
   1 ;"(4)  Readers Top 10";
   1 ;"(2)  The Feature";
   1 ;"(1)  Classic Software"'"(3)  Letters Page"'"(5)  Amandas Diary"'"(7)  Classified Ads"'"(9)  Save Fanzine (alter line 4510 for save to disk)";
   1 7nUjUjUjUj_j_j_j_j_j_j_jUjUjUjUjUjUjUjUjUnWjU*
   1 23638-82":
   1 23637+256*
   1 . in fact I"'"don't think I've ever been in a shop where the people working behind the counter let you know how superior they think"'"they are. The atmosphere is the pits. But if you've got very thick skin and a yen for 30p Speccy tapes then don't pass"'"this shop by. Just be ready to smack them in the fucking"'"teeth with an old Atari 2600 or whatever else you find in"'"this 8-bit junkyard."
   1 *5jUjUjUjU*5
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